Transforming Community
A promotional film for Yeshivat Maharat.
The Story Behind the Song
This film celebrates the 25th Anniversary of HaZamir.
This educational film is part of a Holocaust curriculum for Connecticut middle and high schools.
People Forget,
New Haven
Hillel is Home
A film to initiate the public campaign for Cornell University's first Hillel Building.
A Link in the Chain
Genealogy and Sephardic history were the theme of this film for
the Jewish High School of Connecticut.
This film was the audio-visual
show-case of the
Ramaz dinner
celebrating the school's 80th birthday.
From Bialies to Bashert
A teaser for an upcoming wedding
An educational video for HaZamir.
Massad Lives within Us
This film was shown
at a fundraiser for the Camp Massad Archive at the Center for Jewish History in NYC
& Herb
A film for a 60th anniversary celebration.
The Open Rabbi
This film was shown at the YCT annual dinner gala in New York
Inge's Story
A film celebrating
a client's 80th birthday.